2021 Sponsors
Thank you to all our donors! Without you, our show would not have been possible!
FCB Nutrition, Mill Bridge Farm, Phoenix Feeds & Nutrition, Fenton River Veterinary Hospital, Tri-State Veterinary Services, IBA, New England Holstein Association, New England Brown Swiss Association, Poulin Grain, Rolleston Veterinary Services, Stefan Hay Company, Tomaquag Milk Trucking Co, Purina, Hamby Dairy Supplies, New England Ayrshire Club, Gold-Star Feed & Grain, LLC
show support SPONSORS
Hardwick Farmers Coop, Stone Oak Farm, Allen & Bearor - Preferred Jersey Genetics, Chestnut-Hyll Farm - The Tarryk Family, Kidney Care & Transplant Services of New England, Phibro, Watch-Hill Holsteins & Ayrshires - Scott Davenport & Alan Shearer, Rhode Island Ayrshire Club, Woodmansee Holsteins, CB Elwell, Four Hills Farm, Hyde's Dairy Farm, LLC Livestock Hauling, Mill Valley Jerseys, North Side Farm, Tufts Veterinary Field Services, Fairmont Farms, Digligle Farm - Richard Giddings & Family, Poitras Jerseys & Service Sires, Heritage Brook Guernseys, Brevant Seeds
Pretty-N-Pink Farm, Syme Family Farm, Whistle Wind Farm, The Seifert Family: Arbutusland, Lake View Genetics, Brigeen Farms, Inc., Precious Holsteins & Jerseys - The Fullingtons, Aerlei Jerseys - Caylei Arnold, Bagley Bogs Farm, Emadale Farm - Doug Wherry, Fine-Kine Genetics, Legacy Lane Farm, Muller & Sons Agway, Cottrell Homestead, Cowbell Acres, Deerfield Farm, Fletcher Farm, Gary Farm - The Bemis Family, Lambert Run Farm, Northside Farm - All Star Genetics, Stevens Land & Cattle Co, Millborne Farms - Paul Saunders & Morey Miller, Valley View Farms, Wendy Sorrell, Edan Jerseys, Farmstead Genetics, HillHolm Milking Shorthorns, Iroquois Acres, R-Choice Swiss - Robert Gould, Side Hill Farm, Sweet Serenity Farm, Tierney Jerseys, Scriba Ridge Meadows, Ridale Genetics, Radical Genetics, Prospect Valley Farm, PineyVale, Mill Wheel Show Clinics - Katie Coyne, Maple Nook Holsteins, Jeff Keane, Got 2 Be Different - the Bennetts, Emma Acres, Dreamroad Jerseys, Ayr Bay Farm, Apples & Waves Jerseys - The Maxhams, Frank & Cheryl Osborne, Maine Dairy Promotion Council, RVD, Four Hills, Roxbury Farm CSA, The Dairy Bar- Megan Howe